

Generative AI for the Accessibility of Clinical Trials and Medical Publications

Patient Lay Summaries (LS), as well as Plain Language Summaries (PLS), are an increasingly vital component of clinical trial reports and medical publications, facilitating better access to medical information for both patients and clinical providers. The recent surge in regulatory requirements in the EU has further underscored the importance of Patient Lay Summaries for Life Sciences companies operating in the EU, worldwide. 
Nevertheless, generating effective Lay Summaries remains challenging, as it requires balancing the need for medical accuracy with the need for accessible and comprehensible language to lay readers.

Our discussion will provide in-depth insights into backlog and gulf in demand between the availability of expert medical writers with PLS experience and the creation of readable content for patients, and how generative AI can bridge this gap. By leveraging the power of AI, we can ensure that medical information is not only accurate but also accessible to all, helping patients and HCPs make informed decisions about their health, at a speed and scale that both regulators, patients, and providers are now demanding.
In order to explore these challenges and discuss potential solutions, Join us for an informative episode hosted by Richard Graves, CCO and co-founder of Sorcero, and David McMinn, Director at Lay Summaries, where we'll explore how generative AI can revolutionize the way we create PLS.

Digital Clarity - Webinar Episode6

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