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Regulatory Affairs

Mitigate Risk, Stay Compliant, & Accelerate Reporting

Expedite the development of your EU clinical trial lay summaries, reducing the development time from weeks to days!

Clinical Trial Lay Summaries (CTLS)

Sorcero leverages advanced algorithms and disease-focused ontologies to organize and understand how language is used in Life Sciences. That means you can gain clarity and complete visibility on the efficacy and impact of your scientific engagement on patient outcomes.

  • Clinical trial identification
  • Name and contact details of the sponsor
  • General information about the trial
  • Population of patients
  • Investigational medicinal products used 
  • Description of adverse reactions and their frequency
  • Overall results of the clinical trial
  • Comments on the outcome of the clinical trial
  • Indication if follow-up clinical trials are foreseen
  • Indication where additional information can be found


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Magnify your potential with Sorcero

Sorcero recognizes the central role that regulatory affairs plays in ensuring that your company remains compliant in the complex regulatory landscape. Let us be your expert partner, helping to facilitate the timely completion of your clinical trial lay summaries.

Optimize Efficiencies

Sorcero facilitates a completely automated one-click, end-to-end lay summary generation process, from source document ingestion to final lay summary generation. Reduce hours of medical writing time to a single click of a button!

Secure, Validated Platform

Sorcero’s platform operates using a siloed tenanted model, ensuring that your data is not shared outside of our company, and that your sensitive data is protected.


Sorcero-generated lay summaries adhere to the governing principles and guidelines of the International Organization for Standardization.

More Readable

Sorcero-generated lay summaries are easier to read than human-written lay summaries, scoring significantly lower on a range of readability metrics. We help you ensure that your lay summary deliverables are fit for purpose.

Eliminate Hallucinations

Sorcero implements an automated content validation step in our lay summary generation process, ensuring that hallucinations are identified and removed.

Best Language Models

The Sorcero lay summary service comprises a number of different steps, utilizing the most appropriate large language model for each.